You can access the workshop at any time you are available, from the starting to the end date indicated in the training calendar. The workshops are held three times during the year.
No, you do not have to finish the training you started. However, in order to obtain a certificate, you will have to pass successfully the final exam, have accessed the content of the various units and done the activities offered within.
This workshop could require approximately seven (7) hours of work. However, this time could vary from one learner to the next.
You are invited to take an exam comprised of multiple choice questions in order to validate your knowledge. If you need to, you can look at the content of the workshop during the exam. You must pass the exam in order to obtain a certificate.
You can make two (2) attempts to pass successfully the exam. Once you have finished the exam, you must click on the “Submit Exam” button, at the bottom of the pate. A message will appear indicating if you have passed or failed the exam. A 60% mark is necessary to pass the exam. Should you fail the exam, you will then be allowed to take it a second time.
In order to obtain a certificate for your participation, you must get a mark over 60% on the final exam, you must have accessed the various units, and done the activities provided in these units. The CNFS will provide a certificate to those participants who comply with the criteria. After having successfully completed the final exam, your certificate will be available online in you CNFS account, under the tab “Mon Cheminement” (My path).
Technical support is available free of charge during the University of Ottawa’s regular office hours, throughout the duration of the workshops. Please fill in this form for that purpose.
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